Get Involved Aside from Worship
There are many opportunities to connect with Brookfield Congregational Church beyond worshipping together on Sunday. Getting involved in an activity helps build connections and fosters a sense of belonging with your church family. Come join us!

Walking in Faith
Every Tuesday (weather permitting) at 9:15 AM, join us for a walk in the surrounding neighborhood as we discuss faith and life. Questions? Contact Marilyn Cummins

Every Wednesday at 7 PM, join Rev. Laura over the Zoom platform for a relaxing 30 minute meditation. Meditations are also on YouTube to watch later. Questions? Contact Rev. Laura

Chair Yoga
Every Tuesday at 10:30 AM, join us for seated stretches, exercises, and meditations led by a trained instructor. Questions? Contact Marilyn Cummins

Our choir practices most Tuesday evenings and will perform during worship 2-3 times a month. No prior musical experience necessary, all are welcome. Questions? Contact Justin Kamp

Caregivers Coffee & Conversation
On the second Monday of the month at 10 AM, join fellow caregivers in a member-led conversation about care strategies and how to take care of yourself as a caregiver. Questions? Contact Cathy Benjamin or Marilyn Cummins

Our handbells group meets from 6-6:45 PM during the school year for practice and performs periodically during worship. No musical experience necessary, all are welcome. Questions? Contact Justin Kamp

Family Activities
All ages are welcome for our family activities, including Game Nights, Outdoor Games, BBQs, Concerts, and more. Questions? Contact Erin Wurtzbacher