Brookfield Congregational Church UCC
Join us for Sunday worship at 10 AM
An Open and Affirming Community
​​Lenten Season Theme:
Celebrating God's Creation: A Down to Earth Lent
See below for a BCC employment opportunity as
Director of Faith Formation --
where you can do what you do best!
Church address
16350 Gebhardt Rd
Brookfield, WI 53005
​Mailing address
P.O. Box 98
Brookfield, WI 53008-0098​
Hours the Church is Open
Mon-Fri: 9 AM-12 PM
Sunday: 9:30-11:30 AM
Sunday Worship: 10 AM
About BCC
Brookfield Congregational is a part of the United Church of Christ (UCC), an inclusive and diverse community of Christians connected by faith that calls us to build a just world for all. Our community is open and affirming. You are welcome just as you are, wherever you are on your faith journey.

Employment Opportunities
BCC is hiring! We’re excited to announce the creation of a new position:
Director of Faith Formation​​
​Interested candidates may submit their resume to: personnel@brookcc.org
Upcoming Events
​Worship Service
Every Sunday, 10 AM in person and virtual.
Nursery Care is available every Sunday, provided by a Nursery Attendant staff member and a trained church-member adult volunteer.
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month. The Communion Table is open to all Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God's people.
Click here to watch posted worship services on our YouTube Channel. (Either view "Past Live Streams" OR click "Live")
Open to All -- Fine Arts​​
The Gary McWithey Concert Series continues into 2025. Held indoors in the Sanctuary or outside in front of the Stonehouse (immediately south of the church). Free admission. Open to all. Freewill offering collected.
Organ and Voice, Sunday, April 27, 3 PM, featuring Organist James Grzadzinski & Soprano Rachel Mallette-Grzadzinski
Command Performance Big Band, Sunday, May 18, 3 PM, featuring a 17-piece big band playing songs from the '40s-'80s, including a male and female vocalist
Stonehouse Concert (held outdoors), Sunday, June 1, 3 PM, featuring Jazz Guitarist Ben Dameron
For Our Church Family & Friends​​
Easygoing Lenten Study, Fridays in March, 10 - 11 AM. Attend one or all. No advance preparation.
Mayfair Road Food Pantry (Epikos Church - Mayfair Rd), every Wednesday, all day
Cathedral Center meal served, Sundays, May 18 & September 28
Loaves & Fishes meal served at Hope Center, Sunday, November 2
Recurring Activities for Our Church Family & Friends
Walking in Faith, 9:15 AM every Tuesday
Chair Yoga, 10:30 AM every Tuesday
Meditation over the Zoom platform, 7 PM every Wednesday. Click here for past meditations posted to our YouTube channel. Contact the church for more details.​
Caregivers Coffee & Conversation, 10 AM, Second Monday of the month. Contact the church for details. Open to all.​

BCC Is a Certified Wildlife Habitat

Contact Us
Church address: 16350 Gebhardt Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005
Instagram: @brookfieldcongregational